
Research projects


Analysis of needs for the prevention of gender-specific violence against women and domestic violence

Gender Research Institute, Freiburg & & International Centre for Socio-Legal Studies gGmbH SOCLES


Joint project with the German Youth Institute, Munich. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women und Youth

“What does it mean to have children and to bear parental responsibility after suffering sexual violence in childhood?
Support for victims/sirvivors as a contribution to coming to terms with the past and prevention.”

Gender Research Institute, Freiburg & & International Centre for Socio-Legal Studies gGmbH.
Behalf of the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.

12/2021 – 11/2024
  • Checking, clarifying and deciding, doing: empowering young people against sexualised violence among young people (CHAT).

Handouts for educational professionals for low-threshold work with (groups of) adolescents, taking into account different previous exposures.

Joint project with the German Youth Institute of the DGfPI and the BZgA within the framework of the BMBF funding line on sexual abuse in educational contexts.


4/2020 bis 6/2022

Ways to more justice after sexual abuse in childhood and youth

Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg, behalf of the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.

5/2019 bis 5/2022

Online Training Concept for specialized services and other actors working in the field of shelter und support in case of intimate partner violence

  • Cooperation between Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg, SOCLES International Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Clinic for Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Ulm,
4/2019 – 8/2021

Analysis of Letters to the first Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues, former Federal Minister Frau Dr. Christine Bergmann

 4/2018 – 8/2021

“Aufarbeitung” for effective protection against sexual abuse now and in the future

  • Cooperation between Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg GU Frankfurt, UKE Hamburg and IPP München
3/2018 – 4/2021

Processes of protection: participative concepts for safer peer groups (SP:PAS)

  • Cooperation between Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg and German Youth Institute München behalf of Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
8/2016 – 10/2019

What victims / survivors of child sexual abuse expect of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany and of changes in society

  • Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg behalf of the Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.
Since 07/2016

Evaluation oft he Model Project “BeSt – Beraten und Stärken.” Protection for girls and boys with disabilities in institutional care.

  • Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg behalf of DGfPI
10/2014 – 5/2017

Prevention of re-victimization adolescent girls in institutional care with a history of sexual violence in childhood (PRÄVIK)

  • Cooperation between Gender Research Institute, FIVE Freiburg and German Youth Institute München behalf of Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
11/2016 – 8/2017

Experience knowledge of professionals for prevention-trainings on sexual violence against girls and boys

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg behalf of Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
Since 8/2016

Expectations of the Independent Commission to inquire into sexual child abuse. Survey on the spectrum of victims’ expectations of hearings, social recognition, justice and reappraisal of the past.

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg , supported by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women und Youth
since 10/14

Prevention of re-victimization of sexually abused girls in out of home care.

  • Prävention von Reviktimisierung sexuell missbrauchter Mädchen in Fremdunterbringung (PRÄVIK) Cooperation of Sozialwissenschaftlichen FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg/Berlin with the German Youth Institute, München
    Funding line of the Federal Ministry of education and research on sexual abuse.
since 4/14

Development of an appropriate and systematic further development of the Berlin support system for violence against women

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg behalf of Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen
since 3/14

Assisting the EU-Project „Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence“ (CEINAV),

  • behalf of Prof. Dr. Carol Hagemann-White, Universität Osnabrück
since 2/14

Evaluation oft he prevention program against domestic violence PIKITA in Berlin Kindergardens

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg behalf of BORA e.V.
1/14 – 3/14

Analysis of the Berlin support system for violence against women

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg behalf of Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen
since 8/13

Research about cases of sexual abuse of children and young people in institutions that are nor fully clarified.

  • Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin in cooperation with Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
6/13 – 12/13

Children and Justice – EU Study by FRA – Fundamental Rights Agency, evaluationg the treatment of children in the justice systems of the European Union

  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg behalf of Deutsches Instituts für Menschenrechte.
since 5/2012

Qualitative interview study with women and men on disclosure processes after sexual abuse in childhood

  • Catholic University of Applied Sciences Berlin
since 11/2011

Evaluation of modelprojects to support women and men exiting prostitution

  • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
6/2011 – 2/2012

Stock taking and analysis of German specialised support agencies for children and young people who have been sexually abused

  • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
1/2011 – 12/2011

Stock taking and analysis of the German support system in cases of violence against women

  • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Qualitative research study on violence against women with disabilities

  • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
  • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
  • University of Bielefeld
2010 – 2011

Evaluation of the modelproject psychosocial support of child victim witnesses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Ministry of Justice of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
2009 – 20012

Evaluation of the modelproject “HEROES – against oppression in the name of honor”

  • World Childhood Foundation
  • Strohhalm e.V.
2009 – 2011

Research on the feasibility and assessment on a European hotline for victims of trafficking
Research on networking and service-interface in combating sexual violence in Berlin

    • EU-Commission
    • La Strada International and Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
    • Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt
2008 – 2009

Co-ordination and research in a research project on victims of trafficking
Research on the feasibility and assessment on a European hotline for victims of trafficking

      • German Federal Police Department (BKA)
      • Ministry of the Interior
      • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
      • EU-Commission
      • La Strada Internatoional and Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
2005 – 2008

Co-ordination and research in the following projects:
evaluation of 14 pilot projects for support of children who witnessed domestic violence
evaluation of a pilot project for prevention of domestic violence in primary schools in Berlin
evaluation of 11 pilot projects for prevention of domestic violence with girls and boys in schools
evaluation of a pilot project for intercultural competencies in supporting abused women
Coordination action on human rights violations

      • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
      • Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg
      • Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxonia
      • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
      • Catholic University for Applied Sciences Berlin
      • University of Osnabrück
      • European Commission
2004 – 2006

Co-ordination and research in the following projects:
evaluation of the German Prostitution Law
evaluation of 10 pilot projects of working with perpetrators of domestic violence

      • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
      • Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg
      • Sozialwissenschaftliches FrauenForschungsInstitut Freiburg
1997 – 2004

Co-ordination and research the evaluation of 10 German intervention projects against domestic violence

      • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
1997 – 1998

evaluation of the EU-project “Girls for an ecologic Europe”

      • Life e.V.
1992 – 1996

EU-project “Prevention of sexual abuse of girls and boys in schools” and coordinator of an European survey on the subject

      • PETZE e.V.
1988 – 1991

Co-ordination and research the evaluation of a model project on shelter and support for sexually abused girls

      • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
1981 – 1987
      • Assistent lecturer, free lancer
      • Seminars and workshops and further education on the topics of domestic violence, violence against women und sexual violence
      • Several universities in Germany and Austria and several educational institutes
1977 – 1980

Evaluation of the first shelter for battered women in Germany

      • Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

School and professional education

since 2000 Honorarprofessur Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin / Catholic University of Applied Sciences of Berlin

1995 Dr. phil. Freie Universität Berlin / Free University of Berlin Technische Universität Berlin / Technical University of Berlin

1976 Sociology Diploma Technische Universität Berlin / Technichal University of Berlin

1970 – 1976 study of Sociology

    • Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main / Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
    • Freie Universität Berlin / Free University of Berlin